How to Screenshot on a Gateway Laptop 2023 It Is Simple
How to screenshot on a Gateway Laptop? This is what people are searching for. Taking a screenshot is not a big deal. It is the term Gateway Laptop that creates the problem. Gateway laptops have features and keyboard layouts that confuse users while snapping screenshots of an active window. If you want to screenshot on a gateway laptop, we are here to provide you with several methods. So, read the article till the end and learn different ways of taking screenshots on a laptop.
How to Screenshot on a Gateway Laptop is divided into two different methods for taking a screenshot in any window. The first one is using keyboard shortcuts which is a more convenient way to achieve your goal. The second method involves manual snipping tools.
The keyboards of these gateway laptops are almost identical. So, you won’t face any issues if you understand just one method. Most of these laptops run Windows 10, offering many screen capture options. Keep reading to get what you want.
So, let’s jump into the business part of the article and find out how can we get attractive and clear screenshots on a gateway laptop. If you are facing other issues taking screenshots due to like weird lines and colors on your laptop screen you should read our article on how to fix laptop screen weird colors and lines.
Taking screen on a Gateway Laptop Windows 10 How to Screenshot on a Gateway Laptop
Though gateway laptops’ keyboards are similar, the mechanism of taking a screenshot is different. A similar formula may not work on all laptops. That is why we are going to provide you with different methods. You can try the alternative if the first one doesn’t work. So, here is the first one.
Taking Screenshot by Using Snipping or Sketch Tool

As mentioned earlier, Windows 10 has cool built-in screenshot features like a snipping tool and sketch tool. These tools are awesome. With Windows’ snipping tool, you can take a screenshot of a particular area or shape. Let’s find out the procedure.
- Press Windows + Shift + S
- Pressing these keys will result in appearing Snipping tools tab
- Select the screenshot you would like to take. It offers different shapes of screenshots, including rectangular, full-screen, and freeform.
- Just click the full screen option, and you’ll get a screenshot of the entire screen. But this is not a safe way as it may expose everything that is presently present on your screen.
- The safe way is to select the Rectangular or Free Hand option. Thus you will be able to capture the particular area of the display which you need as a screenshot.
- You can edit the screenshot in the snip and sketch tools to make it more revealing.
- Control + S will save the screenshot for future use.
Taking Screenshots by Using the Print Screen Button on a Gateway Laptop
This is one of the easiest and fastest ways to take screenshots. Here you have to use the PrSC key to take a screenshot. Don’t get confused if you see PrtScr, PrtSc, or similar screens. Let’s have a look at how to capture screenshots through this method.
- First, you have to open the window you want to screenshot.
- After that, you have to press the PRtSc(Print Screen) key, and the screenshot will be taken. But you won’t be able to see it as it is copied to the clipboard.
- Once it is copied, open paint or any other image editor and press Ctrl + V to paste it.
- If you need to make changes, just do it and save it for future use.
How To Take Screenshot in a Gateway Laptop Using Windows and PrtSC combo
Here we are with another easy method: take a screenshot using the print screen and windows keys. The method is simple and almost the same. Here is the procedure.
- It is always advisable to open the page that you want to take a screenshot of first.
- Once the page is opened, press the Windows key along with PrtSc key to take a screenshot of the page
- You will notice that the screen will turn a bit black for a split second
- If you want to find the saved screenshot, navigate to C:\Users\[YOUR NAME]\Pictures\Screenshots.
How to take a screenshot on a gateway laptop Active Window by using Alt + PrtSc keys
Sometimes it is worthwhile to screenshot an active window. For this purpose, you can use a combination of Alt and PrtSc keys. So, here is the procedure.
- Select the required window that you want to screenshot
- Press the Alt + PrtSc Keys together
- Once you do, the screenshot will be copied to the clipboard
- And further, the process is the same.
You can use shortcut methods to take a screenshot from a gateway laptop computer. You can use any of the methods listed below; switch to the other if one does not work. That is what you have to do. It is a piece of cake.
We have mentioned plenty of methods to screenshot your desired windows or tabs. The results will be the same regardless of the method used. Though saving options may be a bit different. Windows 10 provides users with snipping and sketch tools to screenshot any window or tab and also provides the facility to edit it. Editing screenshots with these tools make your targeted area clear. So, in short, you can take a screenshot of any page or window without any trouble. Apply any of the methods to take the screenshot that you want. We hope your query about How to Screenshot on a Gateway Laptop has been solved.
How to Screenshot on a Gateway Laptop?
You can get a screenshot of your desired window in two ways. Using keyboard shortcuts or by using snipping and sketching tools by windows 10.
Is screenshot possible in a laptop?
Yes, we can easily take a screenshot possible by using print screen key along with a bunch of other keys like Windows, and Alt keys.